
Zhaoyang District Mother Deer Lotus Shantytown Renovation and Resettlement (Plot 1 and 2) Construction Project Whole Process Tracking Audit Bidding Candidate

Column:Winning performance Time:2023-11-24 Browsing volume: 158



招標項目名稱: 昭陽區母鹿荷花棚戶區改造安置(1號、2號地塊)建設項目全過程跟蹤審計招標

標段編號: GC530600202300694001001 標段名稱: 昭陽區母鹿荷花棚戶區改造安置(1號、2號地塊)建設項目全過程跟蹤審計招標

招標人: 昭通市昭陽區鳳凰街道母鹿社區居民委員會 招標人地址: 昭陽區二環西路南段母鹿社區六組

招標聯系人: 倪清 聯系電話: 13908707609

招標代理: 云南中咨海外咨詢有限公司 招標代理地址: 昭陽區二環南路宏發金都G棟107

招標代理聯系人: 楊仁紅 招標代理聯系電話: 13087480585

公共資源交易行業分類: 房屋建筑工程 工程類型: 其他

合同估算價(萬元): 93428.31 開標時間: 2023-11-22 09:30

攔標價(費率或單價等): 1、施工階段全過程造價控制、工程結算審核基本費:建安工程費的3‰;2、財務決算審核服務費:根據《云南省會計師事務所服務收費管理實施辦法》和《云南省會計師事務所審計服務收費標準》的通知云價收費〔2012〕4號文計算服務費按下浮率報價,不得上浮。3、成效附加費(審核差異超過核定造價5%之外的金額):審減金額的5%(審核差異在核定造價5%以內的金額不計取成效附加費)。\t 監督部門及聯系方式: 昭陽區住房和城鄉建設局 0870-3193147

公示開始時間: 2023-11-23 09:00 公示結束時間: 2023-11-27 17:00

招標方式: 公開招標 評標辦法: 綜合評估法\t

評標結果是否對外發布: 對外發布 公示性質: 正常


評標情況: 詳見附件

異議、投訴、監督渠道及其他內容: 根據《中華人民共和國招標投標法》及相關法律、法規的規定,現將該項目中標結果予以公示,接受社會監督。如對上述公示有異議,根據《中華人民共和國招標投標法實施條例》第五十四條規定,投標人可在公示期內向招標人提出異議;對異議答復不滿的,投標人可根據《中華人民共和國招標投標法實施條例》第六十條、《工程建設項目招標投標活動投訴處理辦法》第三條、第七條等規定到有關行政監督部門實名書面投訴。\n 行政監督部門電話:0870-3193147。


第一中標候選人: 永道工程咨詢(江蘇)有限公司

單位代碼: 9132010274821886XF

聯合體投標單位: 云南永盛會計師事務所

聯合體投標單位代碼: 91530112665547932D

是否擬中標人: 是

評標排名: 1

價格類型: 費率或單價等

報價: (1)施工階段全過程造價控制、工程結算審核基本費:建安工程費的 2.30‰;(2)財務決算審核服務費:下浮1.50%;(3)成效附加費:審減金額的 5.00%

得分: 83.6

項目負責人: 王長進

項目負責人相關證書名稱和編號: 一級注冊造價工程師 建[造]02320002960


工期(交貨期): 自合同簽訂之日起開始實施,至完成本項目招標范圍內所約定的全部造價咨詢內容,經復審單位審核完畢,并出具審核報告后終結

質量: 符合國家、地方及行業現行相關標準、規范,確保成果資料完整、真實準確、清晰有據,并滿足招標人就本項目提出的要求,符合審計部門的審計要求


投標人資質等級: 工程造價咨詢資格、會計師事務所執業證書

信譽要求: 完全響應招標文件

企業類似業績: 完全響應招標文件

安全生產許可證: 完全響應招標文件

第二中標候選人: 深圳群倫項目管理有限公司

單位代碼: 91440113068175368R

聯合體投標單位: 云南青匯會計師事務所(普通合伙)

聯合體投標單位代碼: 91530100MA6QCYNU1E

是否擬中標人: 否

評標排名: 2

價格類型: 費率或單價等

報價: (1)施工階段全過程造價控制、工程結算審核基本費:建安工程費的 2.35‰;(2)財務決算審核服務費:下浮 1.00%;(3)成效附加費:審減金額的 4.98%

得分: 81.82

項目負責人: 劉運果

項目負責人相關證書名稱和編號: 一級注冊造價工程師 建[造]11054400010050


工期(交貨期): 自合同簽訂之日起開始實施,至完成本項目招標范圍內所約定的全部造價咨詢內容,經復審單位審核完畢,并出具審核報告后終結

質量: 符合國家、地方及行業現行相關標準、規范,確保成果資料完整、真實準確、清晰有據,并滿足招標人就本項目提出的要求,符合審計部門的審計要求


投標人資質等級: 工程造價咨詢資格、會計師事務所執業證書

信譽要求: 完全響應招標文件

企業類似業績: 完全響應招標文件

安全生產許可證: 完全響應招標文件

第三中標候選人: 云南盛旭工程項目管理有限公司

單位代碼: 91530100MA6KAKLF1T

聯合體投標單位: 四川普林會計師事務所有限公司

聯合體投標單位代碼: 91510000686135654L

是否擬中標人: 否

評標排名: 3

價格類型: 費率或單價等

報價: (1)施工階段全過程造價控制、工程結算審核基本費:建安工程費的 2.10‰;(2)財務決算審核服務費:下浮 25.00%;(3)成效附加費:審減金額的 3.50%

得分: 78.33

項目負責人: 周利珍

項目負責人相關證書名稱和編號: 一級注冊造價工程師 建[造]11195300007220


工期(交貨期): 自合同簽訂之日起開始實施,至完成本項目招標范圍內所約定的全部造價咨詢內容,經復審單位審核完畢,并出具審核報告后終結

質量: 符合國家、地方及行業現行相關標準、規范,確保成果資料完整、真實準確、清晰有據,并滿足招標人就本項目提出的要求,符合審計部門的審計要求


投標人資質等級: 工程造價咨詢資格、會計師事務所執業證書

信譽要求: 完全響應招標文件

企業類似業績: 完全響應招標文件

安全生產許可證: 完全響應招標文件


序號 文件名 創建時間

1 詳細評分表_附件.pdf 2023-11-22 13:35:33



招標項目名稱: 昭陽區母鹿荷花棚戶區改造安置(1號、2號地塊)建設項目全過程跟蹤審計招標

標段編號: GC530600202300694001001 標段名稱: 昭陽區母鹿荷花棚戶區改造安置(1號、2號地塊)建設項目全過程跟蹤審計招標

招標人: 昭通市昭陽區鳳凰街道母鹿社區居民委員會 招標人地址: 昭陽區二環西路南段母鹿社區六組

招標聯系人: 倪清 聯系電話: 13908707609

招標代理: 云南中咨海外咨詢有限公司 招標代理地址: 昭陽區二環南路宏發金都G棟107

招標代理聯系人: 楊仁紅 招標代理聯系電話: 13087480585

公共資源交易行業分類: 房屋建筑工程 工程類型: 其他

合同估算價(萬元): 93428.31 開標時間: 2023-11-22 09:30

攔標價(費率或單價等): 1、施工階段全過程造價控制、工程結算審核基本費:建安工程費的3‰;2、財務決算審核服務費:根據《云南省會計師事務所服務收費管理實施辦法》和《云南省會計師事務所審計服務收費標準》的通知云價收費〔2012〕4號文計算服務費按下浮率報價,不得上浮。3、成效附加費(審核差異超過核定造價5%之外的金額):審減金額的5%(審核差異在核定造價5%以內的金額不計取成效附加費)。\t 監督部門及聯系方式: 昭陽區住房和城鄉建設局 0870-3193147

公示開始時間: 2023-11-23 09:00 公示結束時間: 2023-11-27 17:00

招標方式: 公開招標 評標辦法: 綜合評估法\t

評標結果是否對外發布: 對外發布 公示性質: 正常


評標情況: 詳見附件

異議、投訴、監督渠道及其他內容: 根據《中華人民共和國招標投標法》及相關法律、法規的規定,現將該項目中標結果予以公示,接受社會監督。如對上述公示有異議,根據《中華人民共和國招標投標法實施條例》第五十四條規定,投標人可在公示期內向招標人提出異議;對異議答復不滿的,投標人可根據《中華人民共和國招標投標法實施條例》第六十條、《工程建設項目招標投標活動投訴處理辦法》第三條、第七條等規定到有關行政監督部門實名書面投訴。\n 行政監督部門電話:0870-3193147。


第一中標候選人: 永道工程咨詢(江蘇)有限公司

單位代碼: 9132010274821886XF

聯合體投標單位: 云南永盛會計師事務所

聯合體投標單位代碼: 91530112665547932D

是否擬中標人: 是

評標排名: 1

價格類型: 費率或單價等

報價: (1)施工階段全過程造價控制、工程結算審核基本費:建安工程費的 2.30‰;(2)財務決算審核服務費:下浮1.50%;(3)成效附加費:審減金額的 5.00%

得分: 83.6

項目負責人: 王長進

項目負責人相關證書名稱和編號: 一級注冊造價工程師 建[造]02320002960


工期(交貨期): 自合同簽訂之日起開始實施,至完成本項目招標范圍內所約定的全部造價咨詢內容,經復審單位審核完畢,并出具審核報告后終結

質量: 符合國家、地方及行業現行相關標準、規范,確保成果資料完整、真實準確、清晰有據,并滿足招標人就本項目提出的要求,符合審計部門的審計要求


投標人資質等級: 工程造價咨詢資格、會計師事務所執業證書

信譽要求: 完全響應招標文件

企業類似業績: 完全響應招標文件

安全生產許可證: 完全響應招標文件

第二中標候選人: 深圳群倫項目管理有限公司

單位代碼: 91440113068175368R

聯合體投標單位: 云南青匯會計師事務所(普通合伙)

聯合體投標單位代碼: 91530100MA6QCYNU1E

是否擬中標人: 否

評標排名: 2

價格類型: 費率或單價等

報價: (1)施工階段全過程造價控制、工程結算審核基本費:建安工程費的 2.35‰;(2)財務決算審核服務費:下浮 1.00%;(3)成效附加費:審減金額的 4.98%

得分: 81.82

項目負責人: 劉運果

項目負責人相關證書名稱和編號: 一級注冊造價工程師 建[造]11054400010050


工期(交貨期): 自合同簽訂之日起開始實施,至完成本項目招標范圍內所約定的全部造價咨詢內容,經復審單位審核完畢,并出具審核報告后終結

質量: 符合國家、地方及行業現行相關標準、規范,確保成果資料完整、真實準確、清晰有據,并滿足招標人就本項目提出的要求,符合審計部門的審計要求


投標人資質等級: 工程造價咨詢資格、會計師事務所執業證書

信譽要求: 完全響應招標文件

企業類似業績: 完全響應招標文件

安全生產許可證: 完全響應招標文件

第三中標候選人: 云南盛旭工程項目管理有限公司

單位代碼: 91530100MA6KAKLF1T

聯合體投標單位: 四川普林會計師事務所有限公司

聯合體投標單位代碼: 91510000686135654L

是否擬中標人: 否

評標排名: 3

價格類型: 費率或單價等

報價: (1)施工階段全過程造價控制、工程結算審核基本費:建安工程費的 2.10‰;(2)財務決算審核服務費:下浮 25.00%;(3)成效附加費:審減金額的 3.50%

得分: 78.33

項目負責人: 周利珍

項目負責人相關證書名稱和編號: 一級注冊造價工程師 建[造]11195300007220


工期(交貨期): 自合同簽訂之日起開始實施,至完成本項目招標范圍內所約定的全部造價咨詢內容,經復審單位審核完畢,并出具審核報告后終結

質量: 符合國家、地方及行業現行相關標準、規范,確保成果資料完整、真實準確、清晰有據,并滿足招標人就本項目提出的要求,符合審計部門的審計要求


投標人資質等級: 工程造價咨詢資格、會計師事務所執業證書

信譽要求: 完全響應招標文件

企業類似業績: 完全響應招標文件

安全生產許可證: 完全響應招標文件


序號 文件名 創建時間

1 詳細評分表_附件.pdf 2023-11-22 13:35:33

Zhaoyang District Mother Deer Lotus Shantytown Renovation and Resettlement (Plot 1 and 2) Construction Project Whole Process Tracking Audit Bidding Candidate

Announcement of winning candidates

Bidding Project Name: Zhaoyang District Mother Deer Lotus Shantytown Renovation and Resettlement (Plot 1 and 2) Construction Project Whole Process Tracking Audit Bidding

Lot No.: GC530600202300694001001 Lot Name: Zhaoyang District Mother Deer Lotus Shantytown Renovation and Resettlement (Plot 1 and 2) Construction Project Whole Process Tracking Audit Bidding

Bid Inviter: Resident Committee of Mulu Community, Fenghuang Street, Zhaoyang District, Zhaotong City. Address of the Bid Inviter: Group 6, Mulu Community, South Section of Second Ring West Road, Zhaoyang District

Bidding contact person: Ni Qing Contact phone number: 13908707609

Tendering Agent: Yunnan Zhongzi Overseas Consulting Co., Ltd. Tendering Agent Address: 107, Building G, Hongfa Jindu, Second Ring South Road, Zhaoyang District

Bidding agent contact person: Yang Renhong Bidding agent contact phone number: 13087480585

Classification of Public Resource Trading Industry: Housing Construction Engineering Type: Other

Estimated contract price (10000 yuan): 93428.31 Bid opening time: 09:30, November 22, 2023

Barrier price (rate or unit price, etc.): 1. Cost control throughout the construction phase, basic cost for project settlement review: 3 ‰ of the construction and installation project cost; 2. Financial settlement audit service fee: According to the "Implementation Measures for Service Fee Management of Yunnan Province Accounting Firms" and the "Audit Service Fee Standards of Yunnan Province Accounting Firms", the service fee is calculated based on a downward floating rate and shall not rise. 3. Effectiveness Surcharge (amount beyond 5% of the approved cost for audit differences): 5% of the reduced amount (amount within 5% of the approved cost for audit differences shall not be counted as effectiveness surcharge). \Supervision department and contact information: Zhaoyang District Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau 0870-3193147

Publication start time: 09:00, November 23, 2023 Publication end time: 17:00, November 27, 2023

Bidding method: Public bidding and evaluation method: Comprehensive evaluation method

Whether the evaluation results are publicly announced: Public announcement Nature: Normal

Description of the proposed winning bidder:

Bid evaluation situation: see attachment for details

Objections, complaints, supervision channels, and other contents: In accordance with the provisions of the "Tendering and Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant laws and regulations, the bidding results of this project are now publicly announced and subject to social supervision. If there is any objection to the above publicity, in accordance with Article 54 of the Implementation Regulations of the Tendering and Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China, bidders may raise objections to the tenderer during the publicity period; If the bidder is dissatisfied with the objection response, they may file a written complaint in real name with the relevant administrative supervision department in accordance with Article 60 of the Implementation Regulations of the Tendering and Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China and Articles 3 and 7 of the Complaints Handling Measures for Engineering Construction Project Tendering and Bidding Activities. \Administrative supervision department phone number: 0870-3193147.

Bid winning candidate information

First winning candidate: Yongdao Engineering Consulting (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd

Unit code: 9132010274821886XF

Consortium bidding unit: Yunnan Yongsheng Certified Public Accountants

Consortium bidding unit code: 91530112665547932D

Proposed winning bidder: Yes

Bid evaluation ranking: 1

Price type: rate or unit price, etc

Quotation: (1) Basic cost for cost control throughout the construction phase and engineering settlement review: 2.30 ‰ of the construction and installation engineering cost; (2) Financial settlement review service fee: a decrease of 1.50%; (3) Effect surcharge: 5.00% of the reduced amount

Score: 83.6

Project leader: Wang Changjin

Name and number of relevant certificates for project leader: First level registered cost engineer Jian [Zao] 02320002960

Performance of project leader:

Construction period (delivery time): From the date of signing the contract, it shall be implemented until the completion of all cost consultation contents agreed within the bidding scope of this project, which shall be reviewed by the reviewing unit and terminated after issuing an audit report

Quality: Comply with current national, local, and industry standards and specifications, ensure the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, clarity, and evidence of the results, and meet the requirements proposed by the tenderer for this project, in accordance with the audit requirements of the audit department

Qualification and capability requirements for responding to the bidding documents

Qualification level of the bidder: engineering cost consulting qualification, accounting firm practice certificate

Reputation requirement: Fully respond to the bidding documents

Similar performance of enterprises: fully responsive to bidding documents

Safety Production License: Fully responsive to the bidding documents

Candidate for the second winning bid: Shenzhen Qulun Project Management Co., Ltd

Unit code: 91440113068175368R

Consortium bidding unit: Yunnan Qinghui Certified Public Accountants (general partnership)

Consortium bidding unit code: 91530100MA6QCYNU1E

Proposed winning bidder: No

Bid evaluation ranking: 2

Price type: rate or unit price, etc

Quotation: (1) Basic cost for cost control throughout the construction phase and engineering settlement review: 2.35 ‰ of the construction and installation engineering cost; (2) Financial settlement review service fee: a decrease of 1.00%; (3) Effect surcharge: 4.98% of the reduced amount

Score: 81.82

Project leader: Liu Yunguo

Name and number of relevant certificates for project leader: First level registered cost engineer Jian [Zao] 11054400010050

Performance of project leader:

Construction period (delivery time): From the date of signing the contract, it shall be implemented until the completion of all cost consultation contents agreed within the bidding scope of this project, which shall be reviewed by the reviewing unit and terminated after issuing an audit report

Quality: Comply with current national, local, and industry standards and specifications, ensure the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, clarity, and evidence of the results, and meet the requirements proposed by the tenderer for this project, in accordance with the audit requirements of the audit department

Qualification and capability requirements for responding to the bidding documents

Qualification level of the bidder: engineering cost consulting qualification, accounting firm practice certificate

Reputation requirement: Fully respond to the bidding documents

Similar performance of enterprises: fully responsive to bidding documents

Safety Production License: Fully responsive to the bidding documents

Candidate for the third winning bid: Yunnan Shengxu Engineering Project Management Co., Ltd

Unit code: 91530100MA6KAKLF1T

JV Bidder: Sichuan Prin Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd

Consortium bidding unit code: 91510000686135654L

Proposed winning bidder: No

Bid evaluation ranking: 3

Price type: rate or unit price, etc

Quotation: (1) Basic cost for cost control throughout the construction phase and engineering settlement review: 2.10 ‰ of the construction and installation engineering cost; (2) Financial settlement review service fee: a decrease of 25.00%; (3) Effect surcharge: 3.50% of the reduced amount

Score: 78.33

Project leader: Zhou Lizhen

Name and number of relevant certificates for project leader: First level registered cost engineer Jian [Zao] 11195300007220

Performance of project leader:

Construction period (delivery time): From the date of signing the contract, it shall be implemented until the completion of all cost consultation contents agreed within the bidding scope of this project, which shall be reviewed by the reviewing unit and terminated after issuing an audit report

Quality: Comply with current national, local, and industry standards and specifications, ensure the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, clarity, and evidence of the results, and meet the requirements proposed by the tenderer for this project, in accordance with the audit requirements of the audit department

Qualification and capability requirements for responding to the bidding documents

Qualification level of the bidder: engineering cost consulting qualification, accounting firm practice certificate

Reputation requirement: Fully respond to the bidding documents

Similar performance of enterprises: fully responsive to bidding documents

Safety Production License: Fully responsive to the bidding documents

Detailed rating table:

SN File Name Creation Time

1 Detailed scoring table_ Attachment. pdf 2023-11-22 13:35:33